Posted by Tori on Jan 8, 2013 in
Greetings from our sick little corner of the world! Actually, I think we are all finally on the mend. I knew it was coming. Everyone was tweeting and blogging about their sick families right before and during Christmas. I had a feeling it might be our turn soon. And, then, for a split second, I thought maybe we would make it out unscathed. Not so much.
It started with me having bronchitis on New Year’s Eve. Then, New Year’s Day, it was William’s turn with strep. Three days later, it was Ayden with the flu. The next day, Chelsea had the flu too.
I have known for a long time that Brooklyn is tough. This girl can smash her face into a wall and walk off like nothing happened. She can be bleeding and not even notice. Often, she will jerk her head back while sitting in my lap and nearly break my nose and think nothing of it. So, why should I be surprised that she has been the only one to remain healthy during this crazy week?! She really is something else. (Watch, as soon as I say this, she will get it now…)
But, through it all our God is faithful and good.

This is me at 8:00 a.m. NYE on my way to the Doctor. This is my “Seriously?! Here we go…” face.

Friday at the Dr. with Ayden. He was SO sad. ALL he wanted to do was snuggle. No complaints there. Just hard to see him so miserable.

Saturday. Ayden called this his “sick couch.” We had sort of quarantined him to one side of the living room. (When you have 3 under 3, and both mom and dad are sick, you do everything you can to keep it from spreading.) This was in the morning before we knew Chelsea had it. Then we just said ‘to heck with it’ and let them have the whole living room.

Ok, this is Chelsea with a RAGING fever in her high chair trying to get some meds and hydrate. Pulled out my iPhone to snap a pic of her pitiful, sick face, and she gives me this smile. Seriously. She and her sister are the most beautiful little ladies I’ve ever seen.

This one is from yesterday. William worked from home and hired himself an assistant. Isn’t she the cutest?

Also from last night, Ayden feeling well enough to help with some dishes. To be honest, this was the first time we’d ever done this together. He was so excited to help. Hoping that sweet spirit will just continue to grow as he does. I really love this little guy.

And…this is definitely one key to not being completely miserable while you’re sick and caring for sick little ones (& one sick big one) all at the same time. Introducing: the heavenly scent of a vanilla latte constantly permeating your kitchen. You’re welcome. Here’s what you do. Head over to Target & pick out a cheap hurricane, a bag of coffee beans, and a vanilla (or whatever) scented clearance candle left over from Christmas. I cannot take credit for this ingenious idea — totally stole it from my mother-in-law. But, it definitely made me happy every time I walked into the kitchen to refill a sippy cup or grab the Tamiflu out of the fridge.
As much as I hated having 4 out of the 5 of us sick at one time, it was kind of nice to all be miserable together (with the exception of Brooklyn who still has no clue what just happened). We are slowly ‘reassimilating’ back into normal life and the real world. Thankful that He provides what we need when we need it.
Posted by Tori on Aug 13, 2012 in
Hey everyone! I’m linking up again this week with Carissa for Miscellany Monday. So…let the randomness begin!
1. I love my friend Carrie! I met Carrie when we were in college at CIU. She lived next door to me in the dorms. 7 years later, the Lord has continued to grow us and strengthen our friendship. We have been through so much – a lot of life change – but the Lord’s faithfulness & grace have been abundant. This past Saturday we celebrated a bridal shower for Carrie & her sweet fiancé, Stephen. She’ll be getting married this October & I could not be happier for her!

2. I love my husband! There are many reasons, but I love that he got us PGA tickets for this past Sunday at Kiawah. We had so much fun! Back when he bought the tickets I secretly thought they were a waste of money, but I supported the decision because I know how much he loves golf. Little did I know that I would go with him and have such a great time. Snuck a few shots of some players too…shhh…don’t tell 😉

3. I love this crazy, silly life. The Lord is so good and I am so thankful to be along for this wild ride!

4. And…last but not least…I got my August Birchbox in the mail last week! I have already tried a few things in it and can’t wait to show you what I got!

Happy Monday! Be random, friends!

Posted by Tori on Jul 30, 2012 in
I am writing my random and linking up with Carissa.
1. The Olympics are here!! I love watching the Olympics…we have had it on basically non-stop & it’s been really fun.
2. It was a lovely weekend! Saturday, William & I got to go on a “date day!” We saw Batman at the IMAX (Just being honest here, I didn’t think I would like it. But I did. It was incredible.), grabbed some dinner, dodged some rain clouds…

3. Chelsea learned how to climb up into this chair all by herself this weekend. She was having the best time until she fell out. She hasn’t been back up yet. And…I cannot believe that my babies are getting this big?! When did this happen? I must have blinked…

4. These three. I was busy folding some towels in the living room & they did this. Laughing the whole time! Love them.

5. This silly boy had his first experience with a temporary tattoo. I don’t think I need to say anymore…he likes it.

Well, there you have it…a glimpse into my very random, very ordinary weekend. Happy Monday, y’all!

Posted by Tori on Jul 23, 2012 in
So, I thought my June Birchbox was fun, but I have absolutely loved everything in my July Birchbox!! If you aren’t familiar with Birchbox, check them out. I know you will love them! Here’s a little about how it works: Each month, you receive a box filled with samples of high-end beauty and lifestyle products. It’s such a neat treat (especially for a mama of 3 under 3 who doesn’t get out much) to receive brand new beauty products each month. Each box is just $10 & it’s always a fun surprise to see what’s inside! Once you get your Birchbox in the mail, you sign in online for a list of the products you received, more information, videos on how to use the products, as well as the option to purchase them with free shipping during that month. With each product in your box, you have the option to submit a small review and receive 10 points. 100 points are worth $10 for future redemption in the Birchbox shop on any product they carry or promote. Pretty neat! (And, if you save up your points, you could get your favorite item free!) For more information, or to subscribe click here.
Birchbox teamed up with Glamour this month to offer a box that provides an experience for each of our five senses.

So…what was in my July box, you ask?

Color Club | Blue-Ming: A bright, summery, green-turquoise nail polish. This polish definitely screams summer fun! I loved having it included in the box. The full-sized product is just $8! Can’t beat it! This one was definitely a winner for me.
Gloss Moderne | High-Gloss Masque: This is a vitamin-rich conditioning cream to restore shine, and replenish hair after exposure to sun, heat, & pollution. You apply it in the shower to rinsed hair for five minutes and then rinse it out. I have enjoyed using this one. I let it replace my Moroccan Oil and it did a decent job. The full-sized product retails for $39. I’m enjoying the sample, but plan to return to my Moroccan Oil for the long-term.
Harvey Prince | Eau Flirt: This is a flirty perfume with layers of citrus & jasmine over a base of lavender & pumpkin. Sounds iffy on paper, at least to me, but it actually is quite nice. It’s light, youthful, and absolutely perfect for summer! The full-sized products range in price from $55-$98. It’s definitely a product I’ll keep in the back of my mind next summer when I’m shopping for a new fragrance.
Manna Kadar | sheer glo shimmer lotion: This shimmery lotion can be combined with your foundation, or used alone as a highlighter to cheeks and browbones, or can be used as a lotion anywhere you would like to boost radiance without adding shine. This one was fun to try. It feels light on the skin, and really achieves the look it advertises. It reminded me of a tinted moisturizer I used to use and really loved. It retails for $29. Not too bad, but not something I’m ready to add to my daily routine.
suki | Balancing Kit: This came as an all-in-one set with the goal of calming, and purifying your face, leaving it smooth, hydrated, and healthy. It was fun to get an entire set to try all at once (cleanser, clay, toner, moisturizer, etc.). The full-sized set is $40. You get everything you need to care for your skin from morning till night. So, it really is a nice value.
LÄRABAR | über: So, I’ll admit, it was super fun to get to try a new snack in my Birchbox! These bars come in four flavors: Roasted Nut Roll, Apple Turnover, Bananas Foster, and Cherry Cobbler. I sampled the Roasted Nut Roll and it was tasty! Loved it! You can buy a variety pack of the bars (16) for $27.95. A bit steep for a snack, but if you buy me one, I’ll eat it!!
Birchbox Exclusive | Earbuds: As an added bonus in the box, I received a pair of earbuds! How fun?! They are cute, bright neon green and pink. I am keeping them in my purse and have loved using them! Thanks, Birchbox! (Retail, $0.)
Overall, this box gets an A! I would love for you to sign up and enjoy Birchbox with me! Can’t wait to see what’s next!
Posted by Tori on Jul 16, 2012 in
Hey there! I am writing random and linking up with Carissa this morning!
1. Here I am! Yes, I am writing this post from my laptop. In the car. Starbucks in hand. You do whatcha gotta do, right?

2. I really do think that parents of young kids should be immune to all illness. Isn’t being sick and taking care of babies the worst?! And why is it that William & I get sick together? Who knows. Yesterday, we both felt it coming on. Everyone in our house napped for 2 hours. I woke up feeling worse. Like I had been hit by a Mack truck. My head was throbbing, my skin was crawling, and I was not looking forward to this week at all. Took some meds and packed it in early (like 10:30) last night. And prayed. Then, I woke up this morning a little grumpy (just keeping it real), but otherwise feeling normal. Thank you, Jesus!!! I have never felt that bad one day and this good the next. I have no idea what’s going on in this little body, but I am so thankful.
3. William ordered this book for me. Plus two more. One on PHP & one on Photoshop. Note to self: If you ever express a desire in learning anything technical to your IT professional of a husband, he will make sure you have the opportunity to learn it! This can be good or not so good. I’m thinking I’m way in over my head. I am about halfway through this one and haven’t touched the other two yet. Maybe there’s hope for me yet? Who knows.

4. I love that I began writing this post in the car, but am finishing it on the couch a few hours later. Somewhere in the middle of #3, William called. He was leaving work & headed to grab a bite to eat. So, he met us and we enjoyed an impromptu family lunch! Love extra family time!!

straw swords with daddy at lunch.

happy baby ladies.
5. I am really excited to get into this month’s Birchbox & try all of the goodies!! It was a really fun box this month, and I can’t wait to share my review with you!!

6. I read Jessi’s post today and was seriously blessed! (You will be too.) I feel like she took the words right out of my mouth! It’s something the Lord has been speaking over me lately & impressing on my heart regarding online ministry. So thankful for her.
7. Also, check out the LinkyHere blog this afternoon to learn a little more about me, my heart for this site, and our weekly link-up, Worship Wednesday!
That’s all folks! Enjoy your Monday!

Posted by Tori on Jul 2, 2012 in
As a mama to 3 littles under 3, it is tricky to grab a moment for a coffee date with a friend. But, thanks to this little slice of internet, we can have our very own virtual coffee date whenever it is convenient for us and no matter how many miles separate us. So…can I get you a latte? Let’s catch up a bit…
If you and I were grabbing coffee today, I would tell you that this week has been nuts! Sometimes, when it rains, it pours. You may have noticed that I haven’t blogged since the 22nd! Our site was down for nearly a week. We have changed hosting companies, so we are hoping not to have that trouble again. Truthfully, it was kind of nice to be forced to take a break. Last Sunday, my twins came down with a virus. Then, on Tuesday, I had my four wisdom teeth extracted. That day was rough, but overall it hasn’t been a terrible experience. I was so grateful to have a lot of good help with the kids so I could focus on feeling better. By the middle of the week, the girls were feeling better. Friday, Ayden came down with it. He has been running fever…and last night we were up with him throwing up. He’s been a little better today, so I am praying that all the kids will sleep through the night so William and I can get some good rest!
How’s your week been? Hopefully, it hasn’t been this crazy. But, maybe it has been…or maybe it’s been worse. Regardless, I know that this is true: Our God is faithful. His pursuit of our souls is relentless. And He loves us more than we can understand. That helps me through any week.
“But I call to God, and the Lord saves me. Evening, morning, and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice. He ransoms me unharmed from the battle…Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall. But you, O God, will bring down the wicked into the pit of corruption…But as for me, I trust in you.” Psalm 55:16-18a, 22-23a, 23c
And…I may or may not whip out my iPhone to show you some pics from today. In real life, I probably wouldn’t…but that kind of thing is way more acceptable on virtual coffee dates 😉

Thankful for church online with sick little ones at home!

Brooklyn decided to chill out in the dog bed for a while…I don’t think she minds one bit…

Finally…Happy 16 months to my sweet baby ladies!! I love you!
I’d love for you to leave a comment and let me know what’s been going on with you and what you’ve been learning…thanks for sharing a latte with me!
I’m linking up (like 4 days late…but who cares?) with Rags to Stiches for our coffee date.
Posted by Tori on Jun 22, 2012 in
Life in pictures! Here is a look at our week through the eyes of Instagram! Enjoy!
Check out my Instagram profile and follow me here:

Brooklyn and Chelsea sampled their first chicken nuggets not too long ago! They were a hit (even though they each only ate half of one!)

This day, Ayden found some old clear, plastic shower curtain rings while I was cleaning the kids’ bathroom and decided to put them on as bracelets. Once he had on his sunglasses too, he thought he was something else!

I told him to smile so I could take a picture…and he struck this pose. No lie. I am slightly disturbed. Might have to save this one for something special when he is older…

Our crazy road trip saga began Thursday when William and I went to Brunswick, GA for my grandfather’s funeral. Friday, though, the whole family loaded up to head to Atlanta for his burial service. This is Ayden when we stopped briefly in Columbia…only 2 hours in. It’s safe to say he was less than excited.

This is a shot from on our way home from Atlanta on Saturday. I-20 stopped as far as the eye could see…one lane only. And my handy Starbucks companion. It was a Quad Venti Caramel Affogato Vanilla Bean Frap. Don’t ask what it is…just believe me that it is good and that it has 4 shots of espresso to get you through anything! (Also, it’s like an $8 drink…so if you are a SBUX rewards customer, wait until you get your free drink card to try it!)

This is my man on Father’s Day. Since he and I didn’t get to celebrate our anniversary properly this week, the two of us went out on Sunday evening. I asked his permission to take the picture. I caught him just before he started laughing. He is the sweetest. The best husband and the best daddy! I love you, William!

This is Ayden playing in the mister at the park, which he affectionately calls the “Mister, Mister!”

Give him a couple minutes and he will be soaked head to toe!
Linking up with…

Posted by Tori on Jun 1, 2012 in
Here’s a glimpse of our life this week through the eyes of Instagram! This is definitely my new favorite way to capture the sweet, daily moments of our lives. Check out my Instagram profile and follow my photos here:

This week began redeeming my Mother’s Day present! A spa day at Stella Nova, complete with manicure, pedicure, hot stone massage, salt scrub, lunch, and a haircut!! I may or may not have come home after all that and had a nap…

Then, last Thursday, I loaded up the girls and we headed for GA to meet up with our guys! Brooklyn was so ready to see her daddy again!

Let’s do this! 5 hours in the van with the baby ladies…they were angels!

We all met up at William’s parents’ place in GA. They recently purchased a farm. This is the little house that sits up by the road.

A certain little mister had hours of fun on this mule!

He loved to feel like he was driving.

I told him to make a funny face for the picture…this is what I got!

So cute!

Here are the girls when we got to the farm. Can you believe it…today these girls are 15 months old! Where has the time gone?! Before I get myself together we will be planning a second birthday party…

Finally…I snuck some mint chocolate chip gelato in a dixie cup upstairs while the kids were napping…love this treat!
Link up and share your week in pictures too!

Posted by Tori on May 18, 2012 in
Welcome to a look at our week through Instagram! We had lots of fun seeing His grace shine through the little moments.
You can check out my Instagram profile and follow me here:

Meet my hot date. My birthday was Wednesday, but the two of us celebrated on Tuesday with a fabulous meal and a trip to the spot where we got engaged five years ago. This was our first time back and it was so sweet to relive those moments. Love, love, love this man!

This has been my reading material of late. We are taking this class together on Wednesday evenings and I cannot tell you what a blessing and encouragement it has been for us! Great read for those of you with littles in your life!

This is from this morning during our play time! It brings me such joy to see Ayden show his love for his sisters. Thanks, Lord, for these priceless treasures.

Another one from this morning. Ayden & Chelsea rolling around on the floor.

All three of them dancing to Veggie Tales. They make me laugh so hard!

Sprinkler fun with daddy!! This is definitely Ayden’s new favorite thing! Last year he was a little scared of the sprinkler…not anymore!

Having a blast!! He would literally do this all day if he could!!
My first time linking up with…