Girls, I am so excited to share this with you! I am privileged to be a part of the women’s ministry at Seacoast Church, called Sisterhood. We have got a lot of great things lined up over the summer. Summertime is always busy, and it is fun to take a break an enjoy some more relaxed rhythms during these months. With that in mind, I am hosting an online summer book study right here on the blog. While the study is organized as a part of the Sisterhood summer activities, anyone is welcome to join in!
My prayer is that you will feel welcomed here and fully at home; that you will be able to experience true community with other sisters in Christ from wherever you are & according to your own schedule; and that He will use it to change us and make us look more like Jesus.
We are reading through Bob Goff’s book, Love Does over the month of June. There will be weekly (sometimes twice weekly) posts beginning this Friday, May 31. You will be able to engage in discussion through the comments (by clicking on the number in the circle at the bottom right of each post), and we will also hold a weekly Google Hangout session for those interested in going deeper. I’ll be posting more details on Friday. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at
This is such an incredible book! I know you will be both encouraged and challenged through it. It is a light, fun read, comprised of personal stories from Bob’s life that have shaped his understanding of God & how He loves through us.
I cannot wait to meet you and have you along!

Hey Tori, love the idea! Are you going to have a structured reading plan so we know where we should have read to before the discussions to keep up?