let’s start the insanity.
Change has come! Everything in my life is different now. It’s a lot crazier. I sleep a lot less. I have a lot less time to myself. I drink a lot more caffeine. But, despite all that…it’s so much more fun! I love a lot more. I pray a lot more. I laugh a lot more. I appreciate the little things a lot more.
I am so in love with my three little miracles.
Today, we are traveling…crazy, I know. Earlier this week, we loaded up all the babes and practically everything we own and headed down to Georgia for some much needed time with family and a change of scenery. At first, the thought of all that packing and the logistics of a 5 hour car trip with a 15 month old and two 6 week olds overwhelmed me…but I have an incredible husband. So, it really wasn’t all that hard to organize, and the car ride was actually pleasant. We only stopped once for lunch to feed everyone. Right now, my babes are in excellent hands and I am on my way to Athens with my husband and brother-in-law. We’re going to watch the G-day spring football game. But, really I’m going so that I can enjoy my Starbucks and some adult conversation for a few hours without having to change diapers or wipe noses.
I have learned a lot during the past 6 weeks! I’m probably a different person to some degree…but that’s the way it should be. I am thankful for the ways the Lord rocks my world and refuses to let me get bored with life and continually refines my character. It’s definitely not always easy, nor fun, but extremely worth it. It will take more than one blog post to catch you up and to process all this change, but let’s just begin scratching the surface.
Last weekend, my incredible husband (whom I am nominating for father of the year), volunteered to stay home with our little ones while I attended a ladies’ retreat at church. What a blessing! Not just to get out of the house and spend a few hours with some other women, but also to have a few hours devoted to studying God’s Word with them. One comment that the speaker made was, “You weren’t made to just survive this world; you were made to change it.†Of course we were. But, it was a nice reminder to a mom who hadn’t seen much of the world outside of her own house in what seemed like weeks on end, and who spends most of her time changing dirty diapers and wiping spit up. Even though it sometimes felt like I was just surviving the days staying at home by myself with the kids, it was a great reminder of the purpose God has called me to and just how temporary these days really are.
Aside from my role as a wife to William, being a mother is the greatest role that God has called me to play in life. I do not take it lightly. I love how the Lord uses these roles as a part of the greater calling I have received. I am fully aware that, at any point, these roles can be snatched from me. As long as I am drawing breath, I am to be about His glory and bringing people to Him. This is what my life is to be about and I am so thankful for the ways that my roles as a wife and a mother allow me to accomplish this, along with the other roles and platforms He has given me.
Perspective is a beautiful thing. The Lord is so good. Yes, it’s hard. No, it’s not always pretty. But it is so satisfying to reside in His JOY and trust Him to make something beautiful out of the mess.