miscellany monday.
Hey everyone! I’m linking up again this week with Carissa for Miscellany Monday. So…let the randomness begin!
1. I love my friend Carrie! I met Carrie when we were in college at CIU. She lived next door to me in the dorms. 7 years later, the Lord has continued to grow us and strengthen our friendship. We have been through so much – a lot of life change – but the Lord’s faithfulness & grace have been abundant. This past Saturday we celebrated a bridal shower for Carrie & her sweet fiancé, Stephen. She’ll be getting married this October & I could not be happier for her!
2. I love my husband! There are many reasons, but I love that he got us PGA tickets for this past Sunday at Kiawah. We had so much fun! Back when he bought the tickets I secretly thought they were a waste of money, but I supported the decision because I know how much he loves golf. Little did I know that I would go with him and have such a great time. Snuck a few shots of some players too…shhh…don’t tell 😉
3. I love this crazy, silly life. The Lord is so good and I am so thankful to be along for this wild ride!
4. And…last but not least…I got my August Birchbox in the mail last week! I have already tried a few things in it and can’t wait to show you what I got!
Happy Monday! Be random, friends!