mommy wow. i’m a big kid now.
Ok, so we started potty training Ayden last Saturday! We are silly people, I know…but he acted like he was ready, and one less baby in diapers is always a good thing, so we gave it a shot!
I set up a little kit in the bathroom, complete with pull-ups, reading material (more for me than him), Wet Ones (in case anybody touched something they shouldn’t), baby wipes, flushable wipes (for the messy ones), and disinfecting wipes (for the potty). Man, who knew they made so many wipes?! Expert moms: feel free to let me know if I have forgotten anything important in my kit! š
And…success!! He was so excited to start learning. By now, we are in big boy underwear…hoping that he continues to keep up the good work.
And, of course, we are equipped with a “special treat” when he does a good job.
Probably the most important part when you are teaching a little one to use the potty. I intentionally wrote this as a reminder…in case I forgot. Good thing, too…because there were moments I referred to it!
As Ayden was starting to learn, for the first day or so, we decided to stay home as much as possible. Ayden must have gotten a little stir crazy himself, because I came downstairs to find that he had gone in the drawer where we keep old cell phones/chargers and pulled one out, along with a USB/mini-USB cord and a wall plug. He had successfully plugged the cord into the phone and the wall plug into the outlet, and charged up the phone enough to turn it on!! So…I asked him (you can imaging the tone of voice…), “What are you doing?” To which he replied, “Checking my email. Texting Mimi.” Really?! I looked over my shoulder to the “Love is patient and kind” note on the board. Then, I explained that he was not allowed to use the cord or plug things into the wall and that he needed to put that back immediately. He was pretty bumbed, but we moved on nonetheless.
Also, during the time we’ve been home, I have memorized most all of the Veggie Tales, Robin Good. It really is a great one, and Ayden has insisted on watching it at least twice everyday. The silly song in this one is called “Bubble Rap.” Now, he loves to watch this one several times in a row and actually sing along…which is really, really cute. So, since I had memorized the song, I caught myself singing along as I was folding some laundry. Ayden looks over at me and says, “No, only Ayden sing it!” Whoops! Didn’t mean to ruin the moment for him…
The girls have been especially cute lately as well. The other night before bed, they donned their tootoos for some playtime. This is Chelsea.
And, here is Miss Brooklyn. Notice she has Chelsea’s paci in her mouth and her own paci in her hand. Silly lady. These two are such joys!! Love them all to pieces.
And…lastly, I decided to share the “Bubble Rap” with you…just to brighten your day and give you a little glimpse into mine. Enjoy!!