my grace is sufficient.

Posted by Tori on Aug 16, 2010 in family.

This clear, simple promise of the Lord has never been so paramount to me. It was a Wednesday night and I was rocking Ayden at bedtime. We had found out that I was pregnant a couple of weeks ago. The thought crossed my mind that it was just possible that I could be carrying multiples. I pondered what that reality might look like for a few moments. I thought about how that would change things for our family.  I’m sure it would be the hardest thing I’ve ever done.  My relationship with William would grow stronger, as we would depend on one another even more and work even closer together as a team. My relationship with the Lord would grow stronger as I would trust His provision and wisdom on an even deeper level. I imagined that I would likely literally pray without ceasing. I also determined that the promises of His Word would take on even greater meaning to me, and His Word would become my delight and my source in an even sweeter way than it is now.

By the time I had considered these things, Ayden was asleep and I went downstairs to be with William. I asked him, “How many babies do you think I have inside of me?” He said, “One…” as if that was a silly question. I kept my thoughts to myself. The next afternoon I was scheduled for my first prenatal appointment. This would be our first look at the new baby! William and Ayden were in the room with the Dr. and I for the ultrasound. The image appeared on the screen and everyone was silent. I mused to myself, “I knew it!” After awhile the Dr. looked at William and said, “Do you see what I see?” He replied, “Yep.”

There were TWO BABIES!!

What an incredible miracle! I later came to the conclusion that the Lord had deliberately given me the thoughts I had the night before so I wouldn’t pass out in the room when I saw the picture! The Dr. couldn’t get very good measurements of the babies to confirm my due date, so she made an appointment for me to come back the following week for another ultrasound. The pictures below are of that ultrasound.

We are so excited and overwhelmed by the Lord’s goodness and His faithfulness to us! I am along for the ride and cannot wait to see what He does! His grace is sufficient…a truth that will become dearer and dearer in the months ahead.

Two Babies!

Baby A.

Baby B.


What a miracle!

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1 Comment

Ann Bryant
Aug 18, 2010 at 10:52 pm

Our God is so good. His grace truely is sufficient. I am still enjoying the great adventure He started the day I found out I was pregnant with you.


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