Welcome aboard, sisters! I am SO glad you’re here. I cannot tell you how thrilled I am about this study. We are going to have a blast! For all of you big-picture, detail-oriented folks like me, here is a look at my vision for this study over the month of June.
We will be reading through Love Does by Bob Goff together. The book has 31 short (as in an average of 5 pages) chapters that each tell a story from Bob’s life and explain some of what he’s learned about love and knowing God. I have broken the chapters down according to what we will discuss at each interval. Our discussion will be mainly over the themes and ideas in Bob’s book, so there is absolutely no pressure if you aren’t up to speed on the reading. You will definitely be able to jump in on the discussion without feeling left in the dark! Also, I have made the reading very manageable so we’re never reading more than one chapter a day. Here’s the breakdown:
You can download a PDF copy of the schedule here.
The discussion will be held primarily through the comments. I have tried to make leaving comments simple. Just click on the number in the circle at the bottom right of the post. You’ll be asked to enter your name, and your email address (this will not be shared or visible at all). Then, you’ll be able to enter your comment. Below the comment field, you’ll see a simple addition or subtraction equation. By filling in the correct answer in the blank, your comment will automatically be submitted. You also have the option to receive future comments or replies via email. Easy peasy! Since this will be the bulk of our interaction together, please take advantage of it. We will all benefit more from this study if each one of us engages in the comments.
You’ll see on the schedule that I will be hosting Google Hangouts throughout our study. These are entirely optional, and are designed to be a time for you to connect with other women from the study in a small group setting without having to meet together at a physical location. If you’re planning to attend a Hangout, I’ll ask you to RSVP closer to time. The Hangouts will be held in the evening, but the times may vary depending on the date.
For today, introduce yourself in the comments with your name, location, one interesting thing about yourself, and what you’re most looking to get out of this study.
Now, go out and grab a copy of Love Does this weekend, and read over chapters 1-4! I can’t wait to connect again on Wednesday and talk about what we’ve learned.

Hi! My name is Jennifer and I was in Tori’s Sisterhood group this past Spring. I just love her to pieces and see how much she loves the Lord. She is also incredibly skilled at knowing scripture and applying it to our topics of conversation. I am very excited to continue on with her for this online bible study. Hmmm…what should I tell you about myself? A big thing happening in my life right now is that after almost 17 years of living in Charleston I am moving to Southern California. It’s a Lord thing. I’ve felt a calling to leave for a long time (like at least 8 years) but was too fearful to obey. After two years of prayer (basically asking God if he was really sure that I should leave) and some major nudging by the Lord, I am finally stepping out and leaving Charleston. California is my choice. I’ve never really gotten a calling on where to go but just to go. So if I’m gonna go then go big. Right? I leave at the end of June.
What am I hoping to get from this study? I am looking for another little nugget of truth God is trying to speak to me. Another piece of the puzzle for what He is teaching me. This last year has been a season of really growing in my relationship with God. In the past, much of my relationship with the Lord has grown and developed through what others have taught me but this season in my life I feel like I am directly learning from God/Holy Spirit. In the past, I have always had mature Christians who have guided me and taught but this last year has been a time of growing by myself through the Word, devotionals, church messages, fellowship and prayer. I’m learning so much. How God wants me to pray, How the Holy Spirit operates in my life, How to pray for others, What God wants from me and in some ways what He wants from all of us. I’m learning about serving others, helping others in need and what serving and helping really mean. I’m also looking forward to hanging out with some Godly women and learning from you. peace
Hi Tori,
Thanks for leading this study! My name is Stephanie and I live here in Mt P with my hubby and two children (13 and 7). I am looking forward to reading this book and gaining a fresh perspective on how love and faith can change things.
I’m so glad you two are here! I’m pouring and praying over our post for tomorrow & very excited for what He has for us.
Here’s a little about me: I’m married to William. This year we will celebrate our 5th anniversary! We have three sweet little ones: Ayden (3) & twin girls, Brooklyn & Chelsea (2). We are both originally from Georgia & are huge UGA Bulldog fans. I have absolutely loved digging into this book already, and I’m praying that He will continue to open my eyes to allow me to SEE the other people around me (ones I might not even notice) that I can love in some very real, very Jesus-like ways. One thing I’ve learned already through this book (I may be getting ahead of myself) is that more often than I’d like to admit, I’m way too uptight. I want to be free to love selflessly & outlandishly. Beyond that, I am super excited to connect with you gals & build some relationships!
Hi ladies!
Would love to join in on this study–havent purchased the book yet but will vety soon and jump in :).
I am a recent Masters graduate in Special Education (after 6 long years!) and as far as what i would like to get out of the study is learning to trust more and being more transpatent in order to love more like Jesus!!!
Looking forward to getting to know you ladies!