welcome to worship wednesday!
Last Thursday night, I attended a writer’s group for the first time. I had a blast and I am really excited about learning how to make this blog space better so I can serve Him with more focus and be an encouragement for those who read. Out of this group, I have decided to co-host a weekly blog post with Mrs. Pate Writes called Worship Wednesday! It has already been such a blessing for me and I know it will be for you too!
Here’s the idea: By Wednesday, we are all in the throes of our week. No matter what our weeks look like, whether we are staying at home with children, working in an office, leading a ministry, retired — wherever the Lord has us planted in this season, there is always the temptation to lock our focus in on our task, our title, or our role. But, we have to step back and realize the big picture. That this season — this work — is not the whole point. The whole point is loving Him and loving other people well. Loving them like Jesus. So…practically, in the moment, what does that look like? Well, for me, it looks a whole lot like hitting the pause button to take a few minutes alone with Him. Worship. Aligning my heart with His and worshiping ONLY Him.
So, that’s what you can find me doing here every Wednesday. Hitting the pause button and entering into a time focused for worship. I pray that the Lord will use it to bless your soul and help you hit the pause button too. Please, also, grab the button below and link up with us here and at Mrs. Pate Writes! It won’t always be music or a video — just a prompt to usher my heart and yours into worship as a reminder to keep Him our constant focus. I cannot wait to see how He uses this to change our hearts and encourage one another to be about what matters most!
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This week, I have been so incredibly blessed by this song! This month, specifically, He has opened our family’s eyes to the fiery passion of His love in the everyday moments. It is relentless. His love is life. It distinguishes fear. It brings freedom and courage. It gives rest and peace. Thank you, Jesus, for the cross. We belong to you.
Link up with me & Mrs. Pate here!