worship wednesday. beautiful.

Posted by Tori on Jun 6, 2012 in a good word., video., worship wednesday.

Welcome to the third installment of Worship Wednesday! I’m hosting this weekly blog post with the lovely, Mrs. Tiffany Pate! Check out her site to see what she is posting today too.

I am praying that the Lord will use this word to remind you of His beauty in every circumstance, as He has reminded me this week! I was reading Spurgeon’s, Morning & Evening, and was struck by these words. (As a side note, if you are looking for something amazing to read on a daily basis that will keep you in the Word, I highly recommend this work. You can get it anywhere, but if you use the YouVersion Bible app on your Android or iPhone, you can get it as one of the reading plans.)

from Morning & Evening (C. H. Spurgeon), Evening – Day 143

Song of Solomon 1:16, “Behold, thou art fair, my Beloved.”

“In the manger and in eternity, on the cross and on his throne, in the garden and in his kingdom, among thieves or in the midst of cherubim, he is everywhere ‘altogether lovely.’ Examine carefully every little act of his life, and every trait of his character, and he is as lovely in the minute as in the majestic. Judge him as you will, you cannot censure; weigh him as you please, and he will not be found wanting. Eternity shall not discover the shadow of a spot in our Beloved, but rather, as ages revolve, his hidden glories shall shine forth with yet more inconceivable splendour, and his unutterable loveliness shall more and more ravish all celestial minds.”

He is absolutely, everywhere, altogether lovely. In every season. In every moment. His beauty shines forth even in our ugliest of times.

Why don’t you grab a button and link up with me & Mrs. Pate?!

Write a post with a Scripture, song, picture, poem, etc. that leads your heart to worship and then enter your website url below. If you aren’t a blogger, but you’d like to join in, just click the post-it note at the top of the post. You can leave a comment, or share what’s on your heart with the rest of us!

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