worship wednesday. for a day like today.
Hey everyone! Sorry I have been MIA all day…this seems to be a trend. We’ll have to remedy that! Here is how I am worshiping Him today. I would love for you to join me.
So…here’s what today has looked like. I feel like I’ve been running behind all week. We got up and ran out the door (late, of course). It is nearly impossible for us to be dressed, fed, and out the door before 9:00. I’m not entirely sure why this is, but it seems to be becoming a general rule for us (not something I’m excited about since Ayden will have to BE at preschool at 9 – 30 mins away – beginning in a couple of weeks). But, I digress. We enjoyed a wonderful couple of hours this morning with some sweet friends for a play-date. Then headed to the grocery store to pick up a few things I needed for dinner tonight. Then, we were home again in time for lunch and naps. And…then it happened. Ayden decided he wanted to do everything but nap. So, after a brief meeting of the minds, he rolled over and closed his eyes. Whew! Somehow, right around that time, I collapsed on the couch, where I have been for the last 2 hours. Normally, I don’t do this, but today my body just stopped. (Which is strange, because yesterday I was terribly nauseated until 11 a.m., and then had an uncontrollable urge to eat pizza…just sayin’) And, let me tell you…it was the most refreshing 2 hours for my mind and body that I have had in a while! I am so thankful the Lord allowed me to just STOP.
That’s kind of why we started Worshiping Wednesday in the first place. This beautiful song has been rolling around in my head since I stopped today and rested.
So, let the noise and clamor cease. Consider all that He has done. Stand in awe and be amazed, and know that He will never change. Be still.
Mrs. Pate and I would love for you to link up with us and share how you are worshiping Him today. We are always so blessed by what you write!! Have a great week, friends. Â 🙂