worship wednesday. week 10.
Today I have been thinking about what worship in the everyday looks like. For the believers, our lives are to be worship unto the Lord. So, I thought I would share some of my moments of worship in the everyday.
First, there are my gals. There is a group of girls that I shared life with during my college years. They are some spectacular women. The Lord just ushered them into my life at exactly the right time. We have lived a lot of life together. We have witnessed a lot of change among us. Last night, most all of us sat around my kitchen table – you have no idea the joy it brought to my soul to have all these girls in one place! Just celebrating what the Lord has done and is doing in each one. His work is complete. We have His Word on it. That meeting in my dining room last night ushered my heart into such worship about His faithful pursuit of each one of us and the story He’s writing for His glory. He is so, so good.
Then, there are the babies. When I look at them & listen to them play I am struck with such wonder. My mouth is wide open at what he’s doing in their little lives. And that I am privileged to be a part of it is almost just too much to contain. When I look into their faces, I weep with joy and pure worship of His masterful creation and His perfect plan & timing. Incredible.
This morning. Listening to His Word taught along with several other sisters in the faith. Studying His Word is such a beautiful intimate place of worship. He meets me every time, speaking straight to my soul. That’s how it was this morning. I literally had tears when we were finished because it was so powerful and direct to this season of life.
Lastly, there are the hard times. In these times, there is worship for His constant character. He is so faithful and His love towards me is fierce. I was reminded of something I read from Matt Redman, “Paul calls our troubles light/momentary, yet they can feel so very heavy. Therefore, the eternal glory which outweighs them must be immense.” So true. He also writes, “Trusting Jesus is honoring to Him and at the same time good for us. He is worthy to be trusted, and He is worth trusting.” It is in the hard times that He grows me and changes me. He is worth trusting and worthy of the worship in my perseverance.
How are you worshipping today? In the moment by moment – in the everyday real life living? I would love to read your story. Link up below with me and Tiffany. Soli Deo gloria!