worship wednesday. week 7.
Welcome back to Worship Wednesday! If this is your first time joining us: I am so glad that you are here! Make yourself at home!
This is the place we come to hit the pause button in the middle of the week to worship our incredible Savior and share what He’s teaching us.
Knees to the Earth | Watermark
This song by Nathan and Christy Nockles has always been so dear to me. I found myself singing it this week as I have been cleaning, changing diapers, cooking, bathing babies, etc. (Mr. Ayden, my 2 year old, even tries to sing along…so adorable!) I started thinking about the lyrics and what this song has meant to me over the past several years, as I transitioned from living at home with my parents to college life to married life, and to motherhood. It has been and still is my heart’s cry.
And it’s my heart’s cry for this blog too. More than anything, when people spend any amount of time on this little slice of internet, I want them to leave knowing it’s all about Jesus.
I am studying the book of James with some lovely ladies over the next few weeks. This week, I was reading James 1:19, “My dearly beloved brothers, understand this: Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger.” Woosh! I have trouble with all of these, but probably, most often, I find it difficult to remember to be slow. to. speak.
I was struck by this quote from USA Today, referring to how incredibly and constantly connected we are electronically: “Often, we’re effectively disconnecting from those in the same room.” Man, how true is that for me so often? How sad. Beth Moore writes in her study on the book of James, “Face-to-face repartee is slipping through our fingers lightening-fast, so the only way we’re apt to develop the art of listening is to become rabidly intentional.”
So, Lord, I pray that you would make me intentional to see and listen to the people around me, right in front of my face, even. And to you. Especially to you. I don’t want to miss one, single thing you have for me. And when I do speak, let me consider the weight of my words, and let them make much of you. Be blessed. Be loved. Be lifted high. Be treasured here. Be glorified. My life is yours. Here I am.
My friend, Tiffany, and I would be so honored to have you link up and share your own Worship Wednesday post with all of us. Grab a button for your blog from the sidebar and share what He’s been teaching you and how you are worshiping right where you are today. If you don’t blog, feel free to leave a comment on the post. I can’t wait to read what you have written!

Did you write this after today’s session? So fitting. Particularly the part about not wanting to miss anything He has for us and what Beth spoke about the Shekinah this morning. Not wanting to do anything that would cost us that.
And if Ayden sings along to that song, he has my permission to continue to call Emmeline. Although, you should mention to him that James has an NRA sticker on the back of his car.
No, it’s crazy. I wrote this yesterday & had no idea what today was going to be about. Love it when the Lord just pounds truth into my heart like that!
Haha! Laughing so hard! I’ll share the good news with Ayden 😉
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We soo enjoy reading this blog. So encouraging!
Rennie And Leisa
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