worship wednesday. week 8.
Welcome to our 8th week of Worshiping Wednesday! I’m so glad you’re here! If you’re new to this weekly link-up, you can read more about it here.
This week, really in the last 72 hours, the Lord has been doing some stirring in my heart. I have been studying the book of James in recent weeks. Chapter 2 is intense. James just boldly, clearly, and directly gets to the point: there is no room for favoritism in the life of the Christ follower. If you’re like me, the most immediate reaction that comes to mind is that favoritism is not something you really struggle with. But, favoritism can take on many sneaky forms in our hearts, minds, and actions, and can creep in unnoticed if we aren’t careful to intentionally guard against it. In 2:10, James tells us, “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.” Guilty! Right here. So grateful for a Savior!
Stronger | Hillsong
I was reading Melissa Fitzpatrick’s post from a few days ago, titled, Common Brokenness. She pastes in a portion of an email from a friend who is in a rehabilitation hospital. He explains that he shares this temporary home with about 30 others. He writes:
“For many of us, nights are the worst time – marked by restlessness, chasing fleeting sleep, often enduring pain. Please remember to pray for all who suffer—especially when you do not—in hospitals, at home and elsewhere. It is a difficult and weary ordeal.”
He continues:
“The human beings around me are Christian, Muslim, atheist, secularist and whatever else. They are white, black, brown and, in the dark, visibly none of the above. But they share something in common that is fundamental to their identity and to mine. In this identity is our oneness as humans. I am not talking about eternal destinies or theological categories, but about here and now. I have come to know many of these people—not by their jobs or professions, not by their achievements or connections or honors. I know them—and they know me—by their brokenness. We are one in our brokenness—our mortality, our frailty, our creatureliness. Made in God’s image, we have dignity and worth. Broken, we have needs—perhaps as obvious as a drinking straw wrapper that needs removing to begin our meal together in the cafeteria.
This is my experience on this night. Take it or toss it aside. Reflect on it or ignore it. I simply have to tell it. We are one with all humankind, but we probably will not see or feel that at the deepest level until we experience it in our brokenness, we who at best are always but a breath away from knowing what that means. So let us serve each other with awe and respect.” (emphasis my own)
I love how Jesus completely levels the playing field in each personal encounter He has with someone. We are all broken, feeble, & finite creatures in desperate need of a Savior. How dare we create classes, or show special attention to one over another! The truth is that if we, as believers, do not allow the Spirit to minute-by-minute transform our minds & hearts to see people the way He does, we will never really love and serve like Christ. Only what is eternal will last – everything else will die away. You can take it to the bank. So, for me, it’s clear what I want my life to be about. I want to be about His work; His way. And He is the only one who can make that happen. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your salvation! May your name be lifted HIGHER!
My friend, Tiffany, and I would be so honored to have you link up your Worshiping Wednesday post with us today. It is such a privilege and encouragement to read what you write.
Happy Wednesday!

I LOVE that song. It’s so beautiful and filled with truth! It’s songs like this one that I sing in the moments when my own faith is unsure or I’m just needing to rest in the truth that God provides.
I love it too! You are so right. Thanks for joining in and for linking up! It’s always a joy & encouragement to read what you right. Thanks, friend!
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